This page is the index of the Enforceable Law portion of Section Five:
which is the Activist component of

The Details on a Readily Enforceable Barking Law, and the Best Way to Get It Adopted Where You Live

Your barking dog problem was created by your local government by way of three key failures:

  1. First, they failed to educate local dog owners about the proper parameters of canine socialization, never once mentioning to your neighbors with the barking dogs that they have the responsibility to keep the animals in a quiet manner.
  2. Then, they failed to screen out those problematic dog owners when they applied for a permit and, instead, went ahead and issued them a license to keep those untrained and unsocialized dogs in the house next to yours.
  3. Then they fell down again a third time with their failure to pass a readily enforceable barking law that would have allowed any barking problems that arose to have been quickly remedied.
If you want to correct a problem, then, you need to pass a law that targets the party or the parties that are causing that problem. Up until this point, there have only been two types of anti-barking ordinances in existence. Neither of those types of laws addresses the behavior of those who serve in local government - the true culprits in this crisis - which is why our streets sound the way they do when you walk down the sidewalk.

At this time there is only one readily enforceable barking law in existence, one sponsored by The Dog Science Network. That law, to which you will find a link below, not only talks about what dog owners are supposed to do, it also spells out what your local government must do to ensure that the guy next door actually does what he is supposed to do.

Better yet, our law mandates that your local government institute a vigorous program of barking prevention. What's more our ordinance has built into it a fail-safe mechanism that all but guarantees that once the powers-that-be pass our proposed new anti-barking law, they will really have little choice but to actually go ahead and enforce it.

Click here to read a description of that law, along with a brief explanation of how it differs from previous attempts at regulating canine vocal behavior.

Click here to read the law itself.

The Best Way to Get That Readily Enforceable Law Adopted Where You Live

Undoubtedly, your best bet for maximizing your possibility for success is to have us set-up a get-the-law-changed website geared to your area and your particular local barking law - and then - for the people of your area to tap into the program that goes with it.

This page is the index of the Enforceable Law portion of Section Five:
which is the Activist component of